I just signed up for the AWP Conference which will be held in New York January 30-February 2.
Featured writers include John Irving, E.L. Doctorow, James Tate, Galway Kinnell, Robert Pinsky, Joyce Carol Oates, Billy Collins, among others. James Best and Joshua Foster are going to be there as far as I know.
We should all attend. For more information here's the URL. http://www.awpwriter.org/conference/2008awpconf.php
If I could find some way to justify this with relation to my job (speech/science writing) I could not only attend, but Battelle would gladly foot the bill.
Any ideas?
Joe, the English Dept used to have some money for part timers and travel, though they've gotten pretty stingy--with everything lately. Or check the site. The CCCC Conference has money for first time attenders; maybe this site does also. We could fly out together. And, Jaren, will we stay with the Pews or the Bests? Just kidding.
Both of you should come. It will be tolerable, at least, hanging out with everyone, even if the conference is a dud. But I'm hopeful that it won't be because there are so many writers, editors, publishers, etc.
I think we know enough people in the city that none of us will have to get hotel rooms.
I want to mark the date too!!! Can we find a sitter? I hate to miss out on these trips just because we have the same offspring. It's ALMOST enough to make me envy polygamy.
I didn't know you felt that way about p-gamy. We should discuss options.
Let me tell you all this: My wife was just standing in the doorway of our bedroom and, while making fun of me through some frantic lame gesturing, she accidentally face-butted the door jamb. She tried to play it cool, but a few seconds later her face contorted and she said, wussily, "That hurt." It rocked.
Moral of the story--don't even think of making fun of me. Inanimate objects will smack you upside.
not without laughter. poor sweetwife.
this reminds me of Ash when we were in France. She was trying to dry her hair by doing this crazy heabanging movement at the foot of the bed, while imitating my gorilla voice. Her final downward fling of the hair met with disaster as she smacked her head on the footboard of the bed. She walked around the D'Orsay with a goose egg. It still makes me hurt with laughter (of course, I made sure she was alright before laughing too hard)
Charity, I'm sorry about your face. (I'll say this since I know deep in my heart that both JG and JW really WANTED to say it.)
"I'm sorry about your face." Real sensitive, Sharon.
Ha ha ho ha. Well, yeah, "real sensitive" JW and JG. I'm laughing so hard that I spit on my computer screen. Grossily.
Sorry Charity. I really do hope you . . . hmmmm. I forget.
It's about time someone apologized for my face. I sure can't take responsibility for it and it wouldn't be prudent to blame my dead father or my poor mother. Now I can refer my future offenders/offended to shift the blame where it belongs--with Sharon.
See what you just got yourself into? That's why you never let a man talk you into doing what he's unwilling to do himself... or anyone else for that matter.
P.S. am I so ugly it hurts to hear my voice? Why didn't you answer the phone???
Charity, what phone? What tower of babble is this? You know I never answer phones anyway-except when it's lonely friends, whose wife left him, who call to describe every little movement of one little firefly. He missed you. It was pretty darn pathetic.
Hey, great pics on Em's blog. I wish I had been there. She's bugged me forever to watch Dancer in the Dark with her, but we couldn't find it last time and watched Deer Hunter instead. I'm glad she saw it with you. It's still a mind and soul-altering experience.
I put up a pic of Jaren. He broke my heart with his reaction to class talk.
Everyone is welcome at my house! Come one, come all! AWP extravaganza! We'll eat amazing food, meet legendary writers, see bums fight, go to the Museum of Modern Art and the Met, explore the Subterranea, and bask in good times with good friends! New York 2008!
I got to quit going out on the trail if I'm going to miss golden conversations like this. Yeah, I suppose AWP would be nice. I told the Pews I'd stay with them next time I was up......but dinner at the Bests' would be...the Best.
Pfff. You'll have to talk me into it though. I'm leaning more towards hippie and less towards academia daily.
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