
the mysterious "Sky Scatcher"

I have been wondering about the mysterious name "Sky Scatcher". It sort of sounds like a Canadian province, or a song from Fiddler on the Roof. "Sky Scat" (like scatological) could refer to the large loads of crap that the universe seems to dump on you on a fairly regular basis. My favorite guess has kind of a Native American flavor, "Skies-Catch-Her." I imagine you trying to hurl yourself off this sorry planet into outer space, but caught by gentle clouds and bounced back to earth to keep trying till you finally get it all figured out. Or grinding along full of worry or sadness, when suddenly you are caught up in an amazing sunset or the radiance of the huge harvest moon.
(Actually, I really know that you just accidentally left out the "r").
http://quotation-marks@blogspot.com (I am enclosing this link because I just used so many quotation marks and am feeling aware of my non-English-majorness, so wish to deflect your attention to this "funny" website).


Grifter said...

the quotation marks blog is gold-dipped.


S.Morgan said...

I found this quotation mark site on Sunday, listed as a Blogger Best. My favorites are the comments he/she receives and answers. Hilarious dialog. But, Anne, your first musings about the name (all of them) are absolutely correct. After all, I'm an exceptionally accomplished speller. Just ask Joe (Grifter)--one of my best friends, whose last name I misspelled the other day. Then I misspelled "misspelled." Someone told me once it's my subconscious fight against the establishment. Ha. So, since I blame everything on that same stubborn neurosis, I throw this fault on the same pile.